Privacy and cookie policy

This document outlines data treatment policy affecting users who visit website, as stated by General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – EU 2016/679.

Complying with applicable regulations and best business conduct practices, data treatment is aimed at honesty, legitimacy and transparency, for the below described objectives, first safeguarding people privacy and security.

Data controller is B-Story srls, headquartered in Via Paolo Ballerini 54, 20831 Seregno (MB), Italy, represented by Mrs. Silvia Vergani as sole administrator.

Data treatment: objectives and types of data

a. Personal data
The website does not collect any personal data, except those that users may optionally, explicitly and voluntarily send through the electronic module available on Contacts page, or by e-mailing addresses. Data shared as above described will be treated with the sole objective of sharing informative or promotional materials, and will not be disclosed or transmitted to any third party.

b. Cookies
The website uses the standard technology known as cookie (text files leveraged by web servers to recognize browsers during HTTP protocol exchanges) and Analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”)to enable anonymous analysis of website usage.Cookie data may include users’ IP addresses, data and timing of website visits, viewed pages, time spent on the website, URL visited immediately before and after. This information is sent to Google with the sole objective of generating analytics for B-Story related to website usage.B-Story does not use, and does not allow others to use, Google Analytics to monitor or collect users’ personal data. Cookies for transmitting personal data, session cookies, persistent cookies, and profiling cookies are not used. The Content Management System (WordPress) implemented by might release technical cookies to enable proper website navigation.

Users may refuse to allow cookies by adjusting related browser settings, but this may prevent the website to work properly. When first visiting the website, users are asked to consent to cookies acquisition and transmission to Google as described above.

Through the feature called Share, B-Story allows users to share some website contents on social networks or other communication tools. Pages providing this feature do not release cookies. However, by clicking on Share, users will access third party systems – which B-Story is not accountable for – which might release cookies and/or collect personal data.

Data treatment: location, period and methodology

Data collected by this website (which is hosted in Italy by Aruba S.p.A.) are treated at B-Story’s offices. Third party suppliers might be temporarily allowed to access site archives and control panels to provide technical support, complying with applicable regulations.

Data are treated in digital format with the sole objectives described above, for the period necessary to achive them. B-Story is committed to implement adequate security measures to prevent data loss and unauthorized access to corporate information systems.

Data subject rights

Data subjects have the right granted by the European legislator, including right of confirmation, access, rectification, erasure, object and data portability. Data subjects can modify or withdraw their consent to data processing at any time.

Requests must be addressed to B-Story srls via registered mail or PEC (certified email address) at

Privacy & Cookie Policy updates

Information here included are subject to update against regulatory changes, the implementation of technological tools and features which may vary current data treatment policies, organizational changes at B-Story discretion.

Users are invited to periodically check the Privacy & Cookie Policy to be constantly aware of data treatment objectives and methodology.

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