Crisis Communication
Even diligent and responsible, any private or public organization might face adverse occurrencies: an effective crisis communication management can mitigate negative effects, protect brand reputation and safeguard relations with internal and external stakeholders.
A crisis is a real or perceived event which might cause unfavorable consequences or visibility for the company, its brands or products, thus impacting business continuity, reputation and trust bonds with employees, customers, partners, government, local communities and media.
B-Story supports companies before, during and after a crisis, offering consultancy and support to communicate as adequately and transparently as possible, informing and reassuring relevant stakeholders, and facilitating dialogue opportunities.
In a crisis situation, silence is not necessarily the best option. If you let others tell your own story, you may not like what comes out of it. When communication is timely and genuine, a crisis may even turn into an opportunity.
Our Services
→ Crisis preparedness
A crisis is rarely a fully unexpected event, rather the actualization of occurrencies previously known as risks. That’s why efficient crisis management starts from prevention: B-Story methodology includes vulnerability assessment, internal and external stakeholder mapping, crisis manual preparation and update, issue and media monitoring, trainings for Crisis Committee members and spokespeople, crisis handbooks for frontline staff, sales people or other corporate functions
→ Crisis communication management
In a crisis situation, B-Story supports the Crisis Committee to coordinate internal and external communications, manage media relations, monitor and analyze media and social coverage, prepare specific contents for social media
→ Crisis recovery
We develop post-crisis communication projects to reconstruct or consolidate corporate and brand reputation, focusing on stakeholders which need to be reconquered as quickly as possible