We partner with companies willing to master communication in an innovative and more strategic way
We have been shaping your stories for 20 years
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From corporate communication to media relations, from digital PR to marketing deliverables, we have the right competences to create your stories step by step
We support companies and brands even in crisis occurrences, and design training projects to help organizations and their spokespeople to maximize communication effectiveness
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Our stories are our story
We add value to your contents and turn them into opportunities to interact, engage, grow
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Legal marketing: a young, rapidly growing industry
Author: Elvira Scibetta
Legal marketing has been deeply changing in the last few years. Some insights from MOPI,

In case of bad news
“Nobody likes the man who brings bad news”, wrote Sophocles in its Antigone. When the company faces a crisis or ...

In whom do we trust? Little in media, although we cannot help but following them
We blame media for mediocrity, the spectacularization of information, the inability to fight power pressure and ...

In whom do we trust? In our employer
We have little confidence in politicians and institutions, media and even NGOs. But we are more likely to trust our

Brands speak out, it’s time for corporate activism
Remaining low profile used to be imperative for companies when approaching politics or controversial topics. But ...

Placemaking to tell new Smart Cities
Globetrotters, living in a digital world that doesn't have any boundary, but seeking a local identity by belonging ...